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Track Attack

The Anti-theft Device

Summer 2018


This project was done as part of Transfer Preparation for Engineering Program at UC Berkeley. Track Attack was constructed in two weeks and it was presented in fr​ont of alumni, professors, and various companies such as Apple, Boeing, Chevron, and Disney.

About Track Attack

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A laptop is stolen every minute at cafes, university campus, and libraries, that is more than 500,000 laptops per year. Track Attack solves this problem by tracking the stolen laptop with a single SD card.

Design Approach for Prototyping 

A microcontroller is connected to an accelerometer and used to detect the motion of the stolen when its owner is not closed by. The device starts vibrating and producing a light, the XBree communicates from the moving laptop to the owner's phone through an app. The future goal is to compartmentalized everything so that it can be connected to the laptop using an SD card.
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The XBee helps to transfer wireless messages from XBee to Bee.
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Finally, the app will manage the data.


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Accelerometer + LED + Vibrator + Microcontroller 
Laser cut box
Track Attack first prototype

Future Work

  • Smaller prototype. 
  • More secure - unlock and lock laptops using SD card.
  • Laptop will have a kill switch for lost computer.
  • GPS in real time. 

The Team

From left to right: Laura Murtagh, Natalia Perez, Makeda Gebremedhin, Jonathan Kim, and Marie Barr-Ramsey.
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